Gravel production
Raw material extraction
The first step is the raw material extraction. This begins with boring the shot holes and the subsequent blasting of the raw stone. After the blasting, the raw stone is loaded onto dump trucks and taken for further processing.
In the mining, only the stone which is suitable for further processing is extracted. The materials that are not suitable for further processing are generally sold for installation as filling material, for example, or are dumped directly at the location.
Treatment and further refinement steps
The raw material from the quarry is crushed in breakers, washed and sieved into the necessary fractions. After being extracted, the raw material from the gravel pits is washed and sifted. If necessary, several treatment steps are performed until the materials have the corresponding properties.
The production process is accompanied by our quality assurance department. Since the main purpose of our aggregates is to produce ready-mixed concrete, our concrete technologists assume this task for this use area. The quality laboratories of the Anhovo and Wietersdorf cement plants are responsible for all other use areas.