We are Alpacem
Alpacem is the brand of the Wietersdorfer Group's Cement & Concrete division. The company is based in Klagenfurt, while the sales and technology divisions are managed from Wietersdorf (Klein St. Paul, Austria).

The Alpacem Group – strong together in the Alps-Adriatic region
Our local organisations in Italy, Austria and Slovenia work as strong, independent units to supply our customers with the best cements, concretes and raw materials and to continuously develop our products and technologies.
Superordinate managers, who perform one of the international ‘cross-country’ functions in addition to their area of responsibility in the respective Alpacem organisation, ensure the coordination of our activities and the company-wide development of the Alpacem Group.

Alpacem – Part of the Wietersdorfer Group
Today (2023), the Wietersdorfer Group is active worldwide with mineral raw materials, pipe systems and numerous shareholdings with around 3.600 employees in 47 countries and generates an annual turnover of around one billion euros.
Alpacem - 29 times in the Alpe-Adria region
We at Alpacem are the specialists for cement & binders, concrete as well as sand and gravel in the Alpe-Adria region. We combine expertise in raw material extraction and processing to produce concrete as a building material and have been a committed partner to our customers in the construction industry for many years.
We are active at 29 locations in the Alpe-Adria region (Austria, Slovenia, Upper Italy) and can look back on decades of experience with cement & concrete and are aware of both our ecological and regional responsibility. We are constantly developing Alpacem, focussing on all aspects of concrete as a building material: the extraction of raw materials, the production of cement and binding agents, the production of ready-mixed concrete and the further processing of concrete, e.g. in precast plants.
Your partners in your region

Alpacem Calcestruzzi Italia Srl - Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)

Alpacem Calcestruzzi Italia Srl - San Dorligo Della Valle (TS)